Chances to learn something new.
Chances to unleash hidden talent.
Chances for new encounters.
RareJob delivers these chances to all manner of people in all manner of places via the Internet, creating a society in which people all over the world can engage in active roles that transcend borders and language barriers.
The near future envisioned by RareJob
English is a communication tool. It is important what you say in English to whom and for what purpose.
At RareJob, we provide for society chances and possibilities for people who have mastered English, leveraging our human resources and technological excellence.
This is our vision of the near future, when the world will be even smaller than it is now.
The realization of the world where everyone can unlock their potentials to be valued.
We aim to realize a world where everyone can seize opportunities by technology.
We transform individual capability, experience and aptitude to portable data by technology. Accumulated data is utilized in various educational and business situations and provides a possibility to play an active role. We describe such a future and move forward to the realization of it.
AI assessment company
It is essential to define, measure, and improve skills for the society where everyone can unlock their potential. The RareJob group provides an AI business English speaking test, PROGOS(R) domestically and internationally.
The foundation for our business is technology. We aim to be an “AI assessment company” by utilizing AI and data to measure not only English but also global business skills and support people’s learning for the development of various skills.