Basic Disclosure Policy

We disclose accurate information in a timely and fair manner in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other laws and the Timely Disclosure Rules stipulated by Tokyo Stock Exchange. We strive to disclose any information deemed useful for our shareholders and investors, including information which does not fall under the category of important facts specified in the Timely Disclosure Rules, proactively and in a fair manner via our website and other media.

Method of Information Disclosure

We strive to disclose information promptly and in a fair manner via the Timely Disclosure Network (TD-net) in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Timely Disclosure Rules stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. We will promptly disclose information published on TD-net on the IR pages of our official website. Upon request from investors, we also disclose information not specified in the Timely Disclosure Rules, as much as possible. Please note that the disclosure of information on our IR pages may be delayed due to a system-related problem, preparations for the disclosure, or other reasons.

Forward-Looking Statements

Disclosed information and other information we provide may contain forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on our own judgment reflecting currently available information, and contain risks and uncertainties related to economic conditions, market trends, and changes in taxation systems and other systems, among other issues. Accordingly, please note that, due to these diverse factors, actual business results and other information to be disclosed in the future may differ from forward-looking statements. Please also note that we will not support any forecasts of our earnings made by third parties.

Quiet Period

To prevent the leakage of financial information and ensure fairness in disclosure, we have defined the period from the day following the quarterly settlement date up until the date of announcement of the quarterly results as a quiet period, during which we refrain from providing comments to external parties about financial results for the quarter and from responding to inquiries about such results. However, if a large discrepancy from the earnings forecast is found during the quiet period, we will disclose the information in an appropriate manner.

Response to Rumors

“We will refrain from providing comments in response to inquiries about rumors.
However, if it is judged that the spread of a rumor or similar information will seriously affect our company, we will quickly identify the cause and, where necessary, cope with the spread in an appropriate manner.”