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Launched “Escholar-Online Eikaiwa” conversation service Online English conversation lessons at home synchronized with schools for junior high and high school students

Envizion, Inc. × Z-kai Solutions Inc. Proposing new learning options without place nor time restrictions

From September 1, 2020, Envizion, Inc. (hereinafter, “Envizion, Inc.”), a subsidiary of RareJob Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “RareJob”) which utilizes data related to human resource to develop global talents, and Z-kai Solutions Inc. (hereinafter, “Z-kai Solutions”) will launch “Escholar-Online Eikaiwa” conversation service, which enables students to use online English conversation lessons at home.

Background of service provision

Until now, Envizion, Inc. and Z-kai Solutions have provided many online English conversation lessons available in class and after school to educational institutions. On the contrary, due to the spread of COVID-19, it is becoming more challenging to take lessons at school. Consequently, there is an increasing need for a learning system that provides a similar learning outcome for students at home.
At the same time, the “GIGA School Initiative” promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology is expected to lead to rapid progress in the development of ICT-based educational environments, such as the distribution of terminals to all students and the development of high-speed, large-capacity communication networks. With the advancement of ICT education, it is possible to seamlessly link education between schools and their homes, and provide individual learning tailored to personal strengths and weaknesses.
According to the educational environment change, this service enables students to receive an online English conversation service at home, which had previously been offered only in the school curriculum. This enables us to solve problems related to location, time, and environment, and optimize the content of learning on an individual basis. In this way, we can propose new options for learning.

Service Features

・ One-on-one lessons are available with the same textbooks used in English classes.
Students can choose from a variety of educational materials, the online English conversation-specific teaching materials based on the English textbook “NEW TREASURE,” which is widely used mainly in junior and senior high schools, as well as discussion teaching materials that comply with MEXT’s curriculum guidelines.

・ According to their schedule: Even students who are busy with club activities and cram schools choose the time to attend courses at their convenience.
The lessons are on their favorite date and time at home, so busy students can use it even before/after club activities and cram schools. Besides, they can compensate for the speaking practice that tends to be lacking in class with homework and extracurricular learning.

・ Online English conversation is available even without the school’s communication equipment/environment
It becomes easier for students to start online English lessons, as there is no need to introduce an internet environment at school, which is the significant challenge.

Escholar-Online Eikaiwa

・ Content: This service enables students to use the same online English conversation lessons both at school and at home.
・ Course offered:
– NEW TREASURE course:
Specialized educational materials compliant with NEW TREASURE offered by Z-kai Solutions are available.
– Standard course:
In addition to the original teaching materials that comply with the curriculum guidelines, you can use discussions and one-on-one-answer style speaking materials.
・ Applicable grade: 7th-grade students to 12th-grade students
・ Lessons available: Monday-Sunday 10:00-23:00 (The last lesson starts from 22:30~)
・ Lesson time: 25 minutes/session
・ How to apply: Application via schools
・ Available devices: PC, tablet, smartphone
・ Application: Video conferencing system “Zoom”

About “Escholar”

“Escholar” is a generic term for the on-line English-language learning service provided by Envizion, Inc. for school corporations and local governments.
It complements English classes at schools and cram schools, and supports the efficient acquisition of four English skills for children and students, focusing on “speaking” and “writing.”

・Origin of “Escholar”
R:Region-less(=Without regions)

(About online English conversation service provided by Envizion, Inc. for institutional corporations and local governments)
➀Class lesson
Lessons are available in classrooms / private computer rooms. Students utilize it as a short-term course during classes, after-school, or long-term holidays.

➁Home study (Escholar-Online Eikaiwa)
We provide the same online English lesson service both at school and at home.

➂Writing (Basic) & Speaking
Our instructors will correct the English compositions submitted by the students based on the evaluation criteria, according to CEFR(*), and provide feedback with comments.
* CEFR: An index and international standard that expresses the ability to communicate in foreign languages.

Press Contacts

PR Department, RareJob, Inc.
Email: press@rarejob.co.jp